Summer Fall 2023 registration date is to be expected by the end of January 2023 and Exam Updates!
From the year 2023 onwards, Registration for Summer fall and Winter Fall will be held ahead of Five months from the date of examination. It is mandatory for all the students of the Academy to appear for the Examination or else their curriculum will be at halt.
Also, the Scholarship Percentage for any Discipline has been reduced to 92.25% from 93%. Scholarship will also become free for upcoming online courses at nmagindia.com for the next semester entirely.
Registration fees is likely to get dropped from INR 275 to INR 200. Also, the Marking Scheme is likely to get upgraded this time. As per information received from the Exam Controller end, the Theory-Practical will be in 40-60 ratio from this year onwards, 40% weightage on Theory and 60% weightage on Practical, in order to transform the Practical approach of the students into a fine stream of confident playing or performing. Ear Training weightage is likely to remain same.
From the Principal end regarding Summer fall Celebration is likely to get combined with the Winter fall celebration and converting it Annual Festival of NMAG India, which is to be called as "Nirvan"
More updates, coming soon. Stay tuned to our nUpdates!