New Updates of MEE 2025 Guidelines
Welcome to MEE 2024-2025 Grade Examination
Now its time to evaluate yourself from the learning’s and practice that you committed yourself to.
MEE Board of Music is delighted to conduct the consecutive Edition of Musicality Evaluation Examination for the Music Enthusiasts. This year we have Integrated with Rockschool of Music, London, UK and very soon we will be Allowing MEE Candidates to appear under Trinity College of Music and ABRSM,UK. We have also decided to give the topper of MEE 24-25 candidate with a NIES Scholarship of 50% discount to appear in ABRSM and RSM! Top three candidates of MEE 24-25 will be given NIES Scholarship of 30% discount to appear either in Trinity College of Music,UK or ABRSM,UK or RSM,UK.
All these Boards are one of the most prestigious stage of Music on an International Scale. The Curriculum of MEE Board of Music is so advanced and Precise that Grade Two of MEE Board of Musif is equivalent to the Grade Five of ABRSM, UK!
So, learning under MEE Board of Music is already a step ahead than your competitors! We are continuously thriving to develop for strategic objectives to develop musicianship and musicality! Thank you for trusting us!
Registration Open Date: 21st October, 2024
Registration Closing Date: 14th November, 2024 12:00AM
Hard copy of MEE Registration Card
If you are Fresh and New Candidate appearing for MEE Grade Examination, then do collect your Registration Card within the date of submission. If you are an existing candidate under MEE Board of Music, submit your old Hardcopy of your Registration Card which was handed to you last year for MEE 23-24 Grade Examination and get your Brand New Registration Certificate. If you have lost your old MEE REGISTRATION CARD OR CERTIFICATE, do apply for a recovery at https://www.nmagindia.com/meerecoveryservice Recovery charges are applicable.
Fee Structure
MEE Registration Tier 1: INR 800
(which includes Piano, Keyboard, Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Ukulele, Bass Guitar, Drums, Jazz Specialization.)
MEE Registration Tier 2: INR 1000
(Which includes Studio Sound Designing, Tone Designing)
Marking Scheme
Marking Scheme will be followed according to “MEE 2025 Marking Scheme” which will be available in NMAG India eStore from October 21st, 2024 at FREE of Cost.
Sight Reading & Ear Training Examination
As per the new Guidelines of MEE 2025 , Monthly Assessment scores of Sight reading and Ear training will be added in the Grade Examination as Internal Assessment Marks.
Hall Examination Standards
As per the New Hall Examination Standards of MEE 2025 ,
Theory Examination
Staff Reading
Staff Construction
Keyboard Identification/Fretboard Identification
Ear Training
Musicality Questionnaire
Sight Reading
As per new Guideline, Internal Assessment Marks must be submitted by the centres within November 14th, 2024.
Every candidates total Internal marks will be converted into 30% as total. For example, if a student is getting 100 out of 100 in Internal Assessment, then the student will be assigned 30 out of 30.
Internal Assessment Marking Scheme
As per MEE 2025 Guidelines, Internal Assessment marking consists of
Attendance (10 marks)
Staff Reading (10 marks)
Staff Construction (10 marks)
Identification (10 marks)
Ear Training (10 marks)
Workshop Scores (15 marks)
Homework Completion (15 marks)
Total of 100 marks.
Total of Four classes a month will contribute 10 marks, therefore three classes will contribute 7.5, two classes will contribute 5 marks, and so on.
Homework Completion
Homework completion Marks is completely under the discrimination of the faculty, which will be submitted by the end of the month in the MEE 2025 central.
Ear Training, Staff Reading, Staff Construction, Identification
Every class Assessment will be conducted, top marks of the entire month will be taken out of 10.
Workshop Scores
Every Workshop, conducts a quiz at the end, the top scorer will be awarded with 50 Loyalty Points along with right answers which bears 5 loyalty points.
Loyalty Points
For details: https://www.nmagindia.com/loyalty
NMAG India Evaluation Scholarship Program offers a great discount for appearing in Trinity, ABRSM & RSM, International Musical Grade exams.
Scoring a great marks in MEE Grade Examination, NIES can benefit the candidate by offering almost 50% discount.
Offering scholarships to candidates are only available for the Candidates appearing in MEE Grade Examination ONLY. It is completely under the discrimination of the Exam Controller of NMAG India.
Venue & Timings
TBD, ETA by the end of November, 2024
Performance Syllabus
Grade 1 students can perform any songs under Beginner Level under digiMATS.
Grade 2 students can perform any songs under Intermediate Level under digiMATS.
Grade 3 students can perform any songs under Advance Level under digiMATS.
Sight Reading Syllabus
For practice, you can refer the book Sight Reading Exercises by digiMATS, which will be available at eStore from October 22nd, 2024.
For any more queries, please mail us at mee@nmagindia.com