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Practical Hall Examination - Performance Syllabus MEE Grade Examination (Summer Fall 2023) Standards List

May 2, 2023

Olive Ghosh

Standards list for the students of MEE Grade Examination SF '23

The following standards are required by the students to perform in the Practical Examination, there will be number of standards, but any one of them is required (mandatory) to perform in the Hall Practical Examination,

For Grade Two Students, Improvisation on a Backing track will be necessary,

  • Backing track will be provided at the time before the examination

  • Chord Progressions will be announced immediately

  • Candidates will be given 20 minutes of time for the audition of the backing track

  • Along with the standard, improvisation for straight two minutes is mandatory

Debut Grade:
  1. "Symphony No.9" by Ludwig van Beethoven

  2. "Aura Lee" by George Pulton

  3. "Allegro From Cello Concerto No 2" by Joseph Haydn

Grade One Semester One
  1. "Bourree" by Leopold Mozart

  2. "Cello Concerto" by Antonim Dvorak

  3. "Claire de Lune" by Claude Debussy

Grade One Semester Two
  1. "Glockenspiel from the Magic Flute" by Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart

  2. "Minuet from String Quintet in E Major" by Luigi Boccherini

  3. "Polonaise" by Michal Oginsky

Grade Two Semester One
  1. "Romanza From Sonatina In G" by Ludwig van Beethoven

  2. "Slavonic Dance No. 2" by Antonim Dvorak

  3. Improv on a Backing Track

Grade Two Semester Two
  1. "Solfegietto in C minor" by Carl Emanuel Philip Bach

  2. "Premier Amour"

  3. "Spanish Romance"

  4. Improv on a Backing Track

Grade Three Students
  1. Improv on a backing track

All of the standards are available on

As per authorised by

Olive Ghosh

Director of NMAG India Board of Music


NMAG India

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